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Don’t wait.. INNOVATE!

Everything can & will be upgraded

Sony’s Walkman when it launched in 1979 must have been the embodiment of innovative technology. And when you compare that with what Apple did with the iPod, it makes the Walkman of the 80s look like the Neanderthal of portable music-players. It is the spirit of innovation that has evolved and still continues to rapidly evolve the way we communicate, educate, work, travel, entertain, eat, multiply, survive and thrive.

Examples of innovation in every sphere are many – a desert called Dubai becoming a global destination; Avid suite on Apple Mac transforming amateur film students into filmmakers par excellence; flexi hours and work from home policy helping organizations retain their best talent; e-tailing enabling brands reach consumers the world over; Pinterest, Instagram & Facebook becoming showcases for lifestyle start-ups to display their skill & talent and becoming commercially viable; Gramin Banking and Micro Financing; Crowdfunding, Food Cloud, Uber Cabs, Agile HR, Robotics, Drones, Prosthetic, Transplants, Intergalactic flights and the list of innovation examples defining our times is long and growing by the second.

The only difference between today and yesterday is that the need to innovate in every sphere is that much more pronounced today than it ever was. Individuals, organizations, institutions, agencies and governments are all expecting and expected to innovate a more evolved and efficient way of working and living not just as individuals, unit, organization or a nation but as a civilization.

The urge to harness the phenomenon of ‘innovation’ and build ‘innovation’ capability in the organization’s executives across levels is visible in the contrast between what clients wanted (out of training interventions) from us (White Ladder) even five years ago vs. today. In 2010-11 we had a variety of clients (ranging from media, mining, automobile, retail, technology to government) who wanted us to design & conduct training for their mid and senior management on ‘lateral thinking, problem-solving and thinking out of the box’. But today that need has become more tangible – organizations want a (more) result oriented approach. They want their executives to not just have a ‘creative mindset’ but an ‘innovation mindset’. The question the world is asking is simple – Having an idea is one thing but can you put your idea to action in a stipulated time-period given a predefined budget?

In today’s organizations, the need for innovation is obvious – competition, evolved consumer, resource-crunch, evolving businesses & markets, digital-era – take your pick and the need to upgrade, change, reinvent and innovate your product, service, strategy, process, approach and organization itself are just inevitable.

Given the scenario I have painted thus far, the most obvious questions that come to mind are:
1. Can we as an organization build an ‘Innovation Culture’?
2. Can we build a learning module that enhances the ‘innovation quotient’ of our executives?
3. Can we teach our people to be ‘innovative on demand’?

The good news is that the answer to all of the above questions is YES!

We at White Ladder for two of our clients (among others) – both 100000+ people organizations have been project managing ‘change management’ projects to instill the ‘innovation culture’ in these mammoth, global and diversified portfolios oriented MNCs. Innovation Culture, Innovation Projects, Innovation Leadership & Vision, Innovation Mindset, Innovation Capability and recognizing Innovation opportunities & Innovators through creation of processes & systems and so an environment that inculcates, enables and empowers innovation & innovators are the broad constructs of the projects we are managing.

Our experience of partnering, consulting and training on these innovation projects has enabled the realization of the following tenets of ‘implementing the innovation culture’:

1. Vision & Leadership: Why do we want to innovate? What do we want to achieve? What do we want to create? And most importantly who is leading this initiative? Definition and answers to these path-defining questions is the foundation. Not to mention aligning the leadership on this vison is key! For e.g.: After nose diving for some time, Lego’s 10 straight years of profits have come under the leadership of Jorgen Vig Knudstorp who insisted on a combination of traditional Lego culture (‘back to the brick’ he called it) and the culture of innovation (Lego Movie franchise being the case in point)

2. Innovation Environment leading to the innovation Culture: As leaders how will we enable the creation of the innovation environment – systems, processes, policies, blueprints and even physical ambience? For e.g.: LinkedIn holds an ‘InDay’, which is when employees set aside regular work to explore new ideas.

Also, how do we ensure not only is the environment conducive for innovations to occur but that our people aspire to innovate, are empowered to innovate and innovations are recognized & supported? For e.g. – P&G enabled an enterprise wide social network to harness the skills and insights of people from across the company.

3. Innovation Capability: With the right vison, leadership, environment and culture in place, the most important question then is – Are our employees capable of innovating? ‘Innovation Capability Building’ requires two equally important approaches:

  • A. ‘Out of the box’ Approach: Starting with curiosity, going up to the ability to add a fresh perspective and being able to suggest solutions and answers that are truly fresh is the mark of this approach
  • B. ‘Forget the box’ Approach: Being able to take your ’idea’ on its journey to ‘innovation’ through skills ranging from collaboration, communication, influencing and leadership coupled with disciplines like design-thinking & systems-thinking is the mark of this approach

It is a combination of all of the above that makes individuals and organizations innovative.

Organizations don’t get ‘innovative’ overnight but at the same time constructing the right strategic dynamic can ensure the instilling of the ‘innovation culture’ in a time-bound manner.

So, don’t wait, innovate!