I on an average get 10 requests a week from connections seeking introductions with each other. In the spirit of networking, I look forward to making these introductions happen. But truth be told – I ignore twice as many requests as the ones…
The Leadership Offsite – do better than just team-building!
Are you planning an offsite for your leadership team? Are you looking to deliver that ‘wow factor’? Anxious since it is the leaders and their feedback is critical? If your answer to these questions is yes then reading this article will do you…
Learn & Adapt Constantly
Key to running a successful learning business Background: On the face of it, all permutations & combinations put together most clients have similar learning needs – alignment, collaboration, change management, teambuilding, culture, communication, sales, processes, motivation, leadership.. you get the gist. So, it…
Don’t wait.. INNOVATE!
Everything can & will be upgraded Sony’s Walkman when it launched in 1979 must have been the embodiment of innovative technology. And when you compare that with what Apple did with the iPod, it makes the Walkman of the 80s look like the…
Etiquette 2014 – 6 suggestions for a better us!
‘Law controls the lesser man. Right conduct controls the greater’ – Mark Twain There are rules / laws and then there are expectations / manners. It is the latter (or the lack of it) that is worrisome. You could call it being old-worldly…